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Threads by many posters, moved from the "Travel in China" board on July 23 2012 - 2012-07-23

These 3 threads were moved on July 23, 2012 from the "Travel in China" board, to this "School and Recruiter Reviews" board:

Date: Wednesday, 8 March 2006, 8:56 am

Run by a known con-artist out of Yangshuo, Guangxi Province, China, the 'Institute' is a third-rate recruitment scam that dupes foreign teachers into coming to China and then sends them to schools in crapholes all over the country. The guy who runs it and his con-artist siblings take a fat fee for this.

Don't be fooled by the flash website and the (HA! HA!) 'academy crest'. This is a body shop and once you've been 'sent to a sister school' (again - HA! HA!), you're on your own.

Forewarned is forearmed.


PS: ALL positive feedback online has been posted by the Buckland con-artists themselves. Anyone who knows these scammers would never recommend them - not even to an enemy - ever.


Owen Buckland
By:Terri Arcioni
Date: Thursday, 9 March 2006, 7:02 am

100% agreement, Rog. My sister was also scammed by this guy.

'Owen Buckland' is a Chinese man who learned English for a purpose - to con and cheat English-speaking people.

He is NOT a nice piece of work.


I disagree.
By:Sarah Cove
Date: Thursday, 17 August 2006, 11:52 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland (Terri Arcioni)

I'm not sure what you mean by "scam" here, but I never felt gypped when I traveled to China with the Buckland Institute. I signed a contract with Buckland in which they promised to give me certain things (among which were a declared-upon salary at the school, an apartment at the school with "good" living standards [what good means, I can't remember], insuring I got paid a portion of my airfare before leaving China [not the full airfare as I was only there for six months], and resolving any breakdowns that happened in my town or with my school). They fulfilled every commitment and were available for me to contact whenever I had a problem. Because of those things, I assessed that this wasn't a scam, and have recommended this program since to others as I trust it.

Now from what I read, your claim is that it is a scam because they put you in one of the poorest regions of China and Owen isn't English but is a Chinese man who learned English to bring teachers over and make money off of them.

Now if that is how you define scam, then yes it is. I taught at a school in Guangxi Province (a poor minority-filled [non-Han] region of China). But I, after having been at my school in Baise for a week or less, was very happy I was put there. It is a region of poor, but very generous people. I was in a town that was "old China" transitioning very quickly to modern China. I was honored to have experienced that moment in history.

As for the other claim that Owen (who, even though he is Chinese, speaks English very well) learned English to start a business to bring English teachers into China, okay. Fine. Why do I care why someone started their business? What mattered to me, and why I didn't consider this program a scam, was I traveled to China, signed a contract, and Buckland fulfilled the terms of that contract.

Now, if you had an experience otherwise where they promised you certain things and didn't pay you the amount promised, or you assess that it is a scam based on other criteria, fine. I just thought people who are thinking of traveling to China, and trying to filter through the scams to find the good programs, should be made aware of this perspective.

As for validating my statement (as I feel I should do since, Rog, you said in your post, "ALL positive feedback online has been posted by the Buckland con-artists themselves. Anyone who knows these scammers would never recommend them - not even to an enemy - ever."), you can google me if you wish. I am an American currently living in Berkeley, California. I originally lived in Vermont and went to college at Harvard University.

Good luck to those of you thinking of traveling to China. It was a wonderful experience for me and I hope you find it to be one as well.


Owen Buckland and Sarah Cove
Date: Friday, 18 August 2006, 4:04 am
In Response To: I disagree. (Sarah Cove)

I have never worked for Buckland Institute.
But I have been in China long enough, to know that some Chinese recruiters are using western names for their postings.
Dear Sarah Cove, your posting is full of mistakes.
Therefore, nobody will believe you have ever studied at Harvard university.
Second, your way of thinking is Chinese. Hence, you are very impressed by the historical transition in Guanxi province.


Re: Owen Buckland and Sarah Cove
By:Angela in Jingbian
Date: Thursday, 11 September 2008, 1:45 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland and Sarah Cove (G.D)

I will agree that Sarah's post is full of errors; Mine may very well be as well.
But trust me in saying that a lot of people who are complaining about scams have yet to actually state why it's a scam.
Because you don't like his buisness practices? Big deal...
Were you paid on time?
Did you get everything the contract stated?
Did you want to go to a different school? They let you choose your location AND if you're not happy with it you can go to a different school at any time.
It says in the contract that if you break it you pay a fee...maybe that one "fred" guy wasted his money doing something stupid and was forced to go home without getting his payment or travel expenses...
If so, why are you angry?
Were you expecting a magical paid vacation full of blah blah blah?
You were hired to do a job! If you didn't do that job and were fired, or did something illegal and get fired, then that's your own fault.
I am currently working for Buckland international and all I have to say is that I am VERY happy with everything I've received and my treatment thus far. My boyfriend and I are currently teaching at Jingbian number 1 middle school in Shaanxi.
The pay is great, the people at the school are WONDERFUL. The agency is there to answer our questions 24/7.
The students are eager to learn...though they are teenagers and there are a few trouble makers...but it's that way everywhere!
Owen during his presentation actually brought up stories posted about him on the internet, and told us to go ahead and read them, and come up with our own opinions.
And my opinion? Rog, you're full of it, and so are most of the other complainers.
A friend of mine recommended this company to me, and if anyone asks, yes, I recommend these guys to ANYONE wanting a great experience.


If you think I'm not real, go ahead- Google my screen name for everything. It's omithechickengoddess. You'll find deviantart, photobucket including pictures of my trip, etc.


Agreeing with Angela
Date: Thursday, 13 October 2011, 4:44 am
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland and Sarah Cove (Angela in Jingbian)

Buckland is not a scam. The word "recruiter" carries some baggage with it, and at worst that is what Buckland is.

If you know a better way to get set up with a job in China, by all means go with it. But I didn't, I went with Buckland, and things have been fine. My wife and I got paid, we haven't been troubled by authorities, our visas were taken care of expertly by Ping, and we're very satisfied with our placement.


By:Jo Winnebago
Date: Sunday, 20 August 2006, 8:46 am
In Response To: I disagree. (Sarah Cove)

if sarah actually went to harvard then I am mao zedongs grandfather.....sarah cove sounds like a pesky scamster to me...the basic grammatical errors are always a dead give away of you chinese wannabee crooks


Re: scamsters
By:R Feria
Date: Wednesday, 4 July 2007, 11:37 pm
In Response To: scamsters (Jo Winnebago)

Yes, and I especially like how you drive the point home by showing your astute lack of concern for all rules of grammar and punctuation. I don't even know if you seriously think Sarah has made errors because you have no English language skills whatsoever, or you just get off in making horribly inaccurate accusations of others. This is ridiculous.


Re: Buckland Institute
By:Michelle Lewis
Date: Wednesday, 18 April 2007, 1:04 am
In Response To: I disagree. (Sarah Cove)

I currently work for the Buckland International Education Group. This is NOT the same as the Buckland Institute.
Owen Buckland (who runs BIEG) is not a scam artist, nor are any of the other staff within the group. Unfortunately, he DOES have a brother who is not at all ethical in his business dealings with foreigners. This brother also operates under the Buckland name, which does confuse many people.
I have been working with BIEG for 2 years and plan on staying a lot longer. I have never had any issues with this company, they have always looked after me and treated me like a family member - I am NOT Chinese. I am an Australian, currently living in Shaanxi province, working at a wonderful "sister" school for BIEG. The town is NOT a "poor crap-hole" in any way.
Many of the people who openly attack BIEG are young males (I won't even call them "men") who came to China expecting a holiday and plenty of Chinese women. They refused to do their job properly and/or were caught in relationships with students or Chinese teachers and sent home in disgrace. These are the kind of people who give all foreigners a bad name and they deserved all they got.
The few remaining complainers are people who wee not open-minded or adventurous enough to let go and enjoy the experience.
DEFINITION OF THE WORD "FOREIGN": something strange or unnatural. China IS a FOREIGN country and we ARE FOREIGN teachers. There are bound to be things that everyone finds strange or unnatural in this country but if you take it all with a grain of salt and a positive attitude you will gain so much more.


Re: Buckland Institute
By:Ken Hall
Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2007, 6:31 am
In Response To: Re: Buckland Institute (Michelle Lewis)

I have just finished working for Buckland International Education Group for a year here in China. I have had no problems at all, either with the two schools I have worked at nor with BIEG who have been helpful, honest and reliable from the first day I arrived in China. I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone who wishes to experience living and working in China, especially "first-timers" who, like myself, feel safer having an organisation behind them to sort out any problems which might crop up. This has been the most interesting year I have spent and all the other Foreign Teachers I have spoken to say exactly the same - its the best thing they've ever done. I hope to return to China next year. So, if you want an easy introduction to living and working in "The Middle Kingdom" drop BIEG an e-mail - I don't think you'll regret it! Good Luck!! Ken Hall.?


Re: Buckland Institute
Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:26 pm
In Response To: Re: Buckland Institute (Michelle Lewis)

Hi I'm an Aussie teaching in Shaanxi, Fuping, maybe we can get together for beer..Cheers...


Re: I disagree.
By:Martin C
Date: Monday, 22 October 2007, 3:00 am
In Response To: I disagree. (Sarah Cove)

If anyone thinks that Sarah Cove is Chinese, then take a look at her picture:

I've met Owen Buckland and many of his colleagues. I've also met many of the teachers working in China through BIEG. I haven't heard a single complaint.


Re: Owen Buckland
By:Andrew Grady
Date: Friday, 22 September 2006, 1:30 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland (Terri Arcioni)

Owen does work with some pretty poor schools. Some people dig that others don't. I have never heard of Owen forcibly coercing someone into working somewhere they didn't want to, nor do I believe it is possible. He's good at convincing people so there may have been some teachers who agreed to do something and then later regretted it. Well, that's not really anyone's fault except your own.

I do have a good friend who has worked for Owen on and off for 5 years in 4 different provinces. Owen has been extremely helpful to him, always ready to find a job when something else falls through. Also, despite not working for him for 3 years, Owen usually calls me to wish me a happy birthday. All in all, I was happy working with him and would recomend him to anyone.


Re: Owen Buckland
By:Mick S
Date: Friday, 11 May 2007, 10:39 pm
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland (Andrew Grady)

G'day all

In a couple of months I will be in China working for Bucklands. From this end (Australia) they have been nothing but helpful and co-operative and have already been placed in a school in rural Sichuan (which I wanted). I will let you know how I go.


Re: Owen Buckland
By:Mick S
Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2007, 4:12 am
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland (Mick S)

I have now been at Owen college for 7 weeks teaching in Yangshuo and in a few week I will go to my Middle school in Sichuan and I must say it has been a pleasure knowing Owen and all the team. I have seen the crap written about the Buckland group/ Owen and I have come to the conclusion it is just that CRAP.

The people that have a problem with The Buckland group and Owen in particular fall into a few catagories.

1. Rivals

2. Foreigners that are misfits in their home country. When they get to China they remain misfits.

3. People who are totally overwhelmed by China, her culture and customs. They end up hating the place so they blame anyone they can for their culture shock.

4. People who come to China with an attitude.

I am happy to work for Owen and I would recommend anyone who wishes to work as a teacher in this great country to give Buckland a go.?


Re: Owen Buckland
By:Mick S
Date: Wednesday, 19 September 2007, 2:59 am
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland (Mick S)

Well I am now teaching in a senior middle school in Hunan ( I was going to go to Sichuan but Jennifer was happy to change schools for me) and I must say it is fantastic. I am well paid, In an enormous apartment that I don't have to pay for and in a School that has been nothing but helpful. I know if something does go wrong Owen and the others at Buckland will bend over backwards to help me out. I have no complaints about Owen and his staff. I am living and working in China and loving it.


MUST READ Re: Owen Buckland
By:Heather and Dave from DaoXian
Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2009, 7:42 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland (Terri Arcioni)

Dave and I have worked for Owen Buckland for a year now. I felt compelled to write our opinions about what we think about Owen's agency.

At the very end of my first semester, I was so upset with my school. The school told me that they will no longer employ Buckland teachers and I had two days to pack all of my belongings and leave. I called Owen and he said, "Come to Yangshuo (Buckland Headquarters) immediately and I will arrange for me to work at another school." It turns out that the reason the other school dropped Buckland was because Buckland required them to pay their foreign teachers a large amount of money and this particular school believed that it was too much. I know this because Dave and I befriended the foreign teachers, who taught after me, during the second semester. The teachers were not making enough money to even cover basic food expenses. They had to resort to taking money out of their bank accounts back home. We felt so so badly for them because their agency really screwed them over. They were too afraid to change agencies because their contract stated that they had to pay $10,000 USD for breaking the contract. Dave and I calculated it all out and we were making ten times what they were making.

While they were not making enough to survive on, I paid off my visa bill in full. At the beginning of the second semester, Owen helped me out by transferring the RMB to my bank account in America. It's difficult to take money outside of China and he could do this by first transferring it into his Hong Kong account and then into my American account. He did this quickly and efficiently. He's done the same for many others. Here I am travelling all over China during the holidays and still having enough money left over to pay off my visa bill.

A few weeks ago we were showing our friends around the beautiful Yangshuo. Owen was in Guilin at the time, but when he found out that we were in Yangshuo, he asked our Foreign Affairs Advisor, who had come to pick us up, to take us all out to dinner -- his treat. The restaurant was in a beautiful location and while there, we had dinner some nice people who worked for Owen. They enquired whether we were happy with our school, if our living conditions were acceptable, etc. It was very nice.

In addition, at least once or twice every semester, Owen has made it a point to ask his teachers, in person, whether they are happy with the school, living conditions, etc. He tends to take us out to eat after we are finished talking about it, which is very generous.

Overall, they have been honest with us and have treated us with respect and kindness. If you work for them, you can expect to be treated fairly as well. More than anything, I think that the Buckland agency wants their teachers to be happy. We've been told repeatedly that if we are unhappy, then we should talk to Buckland about it. They will do the best they can to take care of it.

We are thinking about stay another year in China and working for the Buckland agency because we are quite content with them. Many people have a lot of negative things to say about agencies in general, but I think his agency is out to help you, not out to get you. They will make you feel as comfortable as possible and will help you understand the many cultural differences that are, at times, challenging, and yet make Chinese culture so unique and endearing. :)


Date: Sunday, 13 May 2007, 5:59 pm



By:R Feria
Date: Wednesday, 4 July 2007, 11:31 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Fred)

You just admitted that -you- wasted 6000 yuan. Might you at least give us a segway into how this is someone else's fault, or do you just expect your lack of logic and the fact you are speaking to us dumb Americans that we will automatically know what you mean?


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:16 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Fred)

Please elaborate in detail Fred...


Date: Monday, 14 May 2007, 10:13 am

You are wrong on several points Rog/Fred. or whoever you are posting under this time.
I joined Owen Buckland for my first year in China and worked at a Senior Middle School in the poor province of Jiangxi for the whole academic year, and was on the whole extremely happy and never had any reason to doubt that Buckland Edu. Group would support me in times of any problems.
Yes O-wen is a businessman and works with some, let us say non creme-de-la-creme schools, however it proves to be a good grounding in the life of a teacher over here.
Americans often in my experience, find it difficult to adapt to China as mummy and daddy are not here to wipe their bottoms, but more adaptable and less self-centred individuals generally get on very well.

You can of course do much better by not using a recruiter at all and contacting a school direct but as a rookie in China having a decent group behind you to sort out any problems that may (and probably will) arise.
Should you wish to call me a liar Rog/Fred and contend that I am a Buckland stooge, here is my e-mail.
Send me a mail and you can have my phone no. to tell me in person.


By:Distant Relative
Date: Friday, 18 May 2007, 5:43 am

All the garbage about BIEG being scammers is simply sour grapes. As with any school it is doubtful there is ever a %100 satisfaction rating. That being said, as someone who has not only worked at a BIEG school, but in addition has done summer work for them in Yangshuo, I can echo other posters in stating that my experience with them has never been anything but positive. Especially for someone coming to China, and just getting their feet wet. My personal opinion is that you probably couldn't receive a much softer landing than you will with BIEG. People keep mentioning Owen, and the plain fact is you won't deal with Owen much. He is normally out on the road doing his job. You'll deal with the support staff, and in the case of BIEG the support staff there, and in whatever region you will be placed in are extremely knowledgable, and supportive.
Agreed, some of the schools are off the beaten path, not in big cities. But you know that going in, so don't come whining about it after the fact. Just because they are off the beaten path does not mean they aren't good schools, or you are guaranteed a bad experience as a result.
I am not going to spend a bunch more time on this other than to say, with BIEG you will get what you are promised. Your wages, benefits, bonuses, and air fare, will be paid, and it's been my experience that BIEG always makes sure the housing is more than adequate. With regards to Owen? The thing I always liked best about him, I knew if I had a beef, I could call him 24/7, and feel comfortable knowing he would handle the problem personally, and it would be taken care of in a timely fashion. You will have his mobile number, and I think he prides himself on looking after his teachers. Even the ones that may not deserve it.

To the OP: Relax and enjoy, you'll be fine. If you have any questions about BIEG or China in general, please feel free to contact me personally, and I'll do my utmost to help.




Date: Monday, 13 August 2007, 3:20 am
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Distant Relative)

I am much more than reasonably scandalized: I am appalled, shocked and disgusted about the tone and slanderous allegations in the initial post of this thread signed by one 'Rog".

Let me clarify what there is to clarify:
The poster "Rog" made unsubstantiated and spongy catch-all claims that allow him to say he or she never said this nor that about Owen and the Buckland Group.
But why start a thread with such opinionated claims that beg to be corroborated by facts or at least some anecdotes? Is "Rog" himself or herself an IMPOSTOR? My suspicion is grounded in the fact that that poster's name sounds like the abbreviated variant of the first name 'Roger'; Owen knows one 'Roger' only too well as to believe that any person who goes by the name 'Roger' would sign such a vituperative post! Come to think of it: Distantrelative has hardly any friendly sentiments for that 'Roger', yet he defends Owen as much as I do... which proves one thing: The OP is a liar who prefers anonymity for dark reasons. Maybe he is a competitor who is jealous of Owen's tremendous success?

I have known Owen for many years, and I happen to know two of his three brothers as well, all of whom running their own English training centres in lovely Yangshuo.

I have accidentally and otherwise been in touch with uncounted TEFLers who on one occasion or another had been or were teachers working for one of the 3 Ao brothers. If complaints have ever been raised, they were muted and moderate. No one ever said they felt being duped, shafted, cheated, abused.

Owen is doing much more than most Chinese employers to keep his FTs happy; if you have been accepted by him (you need a good track record and, yes, a bit of luck!), then you will have no financial worries or any job stability problems.

Owen sends his FTs to a number of different locations spread in China's vast hinterland; he offers you a unique chance of getting the feel of the country rather than living in a big city that's imitatin g Hong Kong or any western city! He pays you handsomely and takes excellent care of you, housing you in his own HQs, which is a beautiful, elegant and modern structure in charming Yangshuo, not far from the secondary road to Yulong He.

I have never worked for him but I have on previous occasions defended him, and I have always found many other FTs willing to speak up in favour of Owen and his great brothers and his business.
Owen was in the U.S.A. a few months ago, and yes, he is a successful businessman; I for one admire him. He has a Canadian retiree helping fellow New World veterans find a volunteer's position with a Chinese school. There are many folks out there that support Owen with the same generosity as Owen supports his paid FTs; what goes round comes round... or so it seems. Owen has spread nothing but good, and is reaping plentiful.


Date: Friday, 25 May 2012, 4:12 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Distant Relative)

reading the reviews on the Buckland Institute has now got me worried. I have recently qualified in TEFL and i'm really excited to be packing my suitcase for an adventure.
I have been contacted by the Buckland Institute regarding positions over in China and so far the lady I have been dealing with has been excellent!
I'm sure you agree it's a minefield out there, so many jobs and not knowing who is reputable its quite scary....
I think, in your first placement at least, that you need some one to support and help ease you into the job and i'm hoping this is the right way to go.


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:12 pm

Hi, You may be dealing with Qwens wife...My partner and I are working here in Shaanxi province I'm Australian and shes Filipino. if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them..Most of the 'sour grape' posts are from individuals who have never worked for Buckland and seem to have no proof of their experiences..


By:Thinking About It
Date: Friday, 19 June 2009, 11:34 am

I have been doing a lot of research on English teachers in China for my own sake. I've heard mixed reviews about Buckland and/or The Buckland Group. I have just one question, If this post was written by English teachers working in China than why are there spelling and pronunciation errors? By the way, I have no degrees or experiance in teaching, yet I seem to have a better understanding of English. Why is that, hmmm.


Date: Friday, 26 March 2010, 12:12 am
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Thinking About It)

I believe that you should evaluate your own skills in an area before criticizing others'. Commas are commonly used to create sentences that while sounding intelligent are actually just run-on sentences. Blogging is not a forum in which to display grammatical prowess. It is a place to learn about the subject at hand. In this case, the topic of discussion is teaching English as a foreign language. Stick to what you know or ask questions. It is not constructive to attempt to make yourself feel better about your own situation by putting down another. I am an English teacher in China and I enjoy many aspects of living here. Perhaps my favorite is having discussions about the English language with people who are not looking to put down or impress others with their knowledge or lack of knowledge. hmmmmm.


Date: Tuesday, 16 November 2010, 8:01 pm

I would just like to say that this guy does not know
what he is talking about i work for Bucklands at this very moment
i am having a great time Bucklands are the best they sorted everything out for me
i plan on staying with them for many years so if are thinking about going with Bucklands
do it they are amazing........ email me if you need to


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:04 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (shaun)

My partner and I are also working for Buckland in Shaanxi province,no complaints AS YET..all going very smoothly


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:00 pm

I gave Buckland a positive feedback..Only because ive had no complaints AS YET.untill i do i have nothing to complain about...


Re: Buckland Institute
Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:26 pm
In Response To: Re: Buckland Institute (Michelle Lewis)

Hi I'm an Aussie teaching in Shaanxi, Fuping, maybe we can get together for beer..Cheers...


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:04 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (shaun)

My partner and I are also working for Buckland in Shaanxi province,no complaints AS YET..all going very smoothly


Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:16 pm
In Response To: Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE - SCAM (Fred)

Please elaborate in detail Fred...


Re: Buckland Institute
Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:26 pm
In Response To: Re: Buckland Institute (Michelle Lewis)

Hi I'm an Aussie teaching in Shaanxi, Fuping, maybe we can get together for beer..Cheers...


SECOND THREAD: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group

Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
By:Buckland Group Victim
Date: Tuesday, 28 July 2009, 11:02 pm

IS OWEN BUCKLAND and his Yangshuo based BUCKLAND GROUP running a scam that puts foreign teachers' into illegal employment or has he been unfortunate in hiring a few pampered and ungrateful individuals who write unjustified complaints about his activities? Last time I checked, teachers are well trained and intelligent professionals who are accustomed to handling very tough situations so to suggest the latter is an insult. In my experience the former is definitely true and no-one should trust their fate to Owen Buckland.

I agreed to work for the Buckland Group and signed a contract on the understanding that legal employment visas would be obtained on my behalf. For 6 months I liaised with Ping Buckland by email because, despite multiple promises, I was not sent the documentation required to obtain an employment visa.

At one point Owen had me convinced that I only needed a "L" tourist visa which I had to obtain at my own expense. After making further enquiries I starting pushing him for a proper employment/working visa. He then convinced me that he would supply it so I spent more money getting medicals etc as required only to find that he was determined to offer me only an "F" business visa. I challenged him and he offered to accept MY termination of the contract which of course meant I was supposed to pay him a penalty fee!

You too could spend 6 months asking questions that will be ignored or getting responses that are often contradictory or making phone calls that will get you no closer to working legally in China but I don't recommend it. You too might be referred to people who have worked for and/or knew Owen Buckland personally him who give many assurances but listen closely for the details re "standard practices" and the "China way" will most likely only increase your concerns. Owen MAY be a lovely/great guy and all online complaints MAY have been lodged by petty/immature/spoiled people who just happened to be able to complete stringent educational programs but couldn't cope with China etc there is something very definitely wrong with the way he does business.

Standard practices include taking passports so visa applications can be processed and introductions are made to a local policeman who claims to have the authority to issue working permits but does not.

Chinese consular staff insist that anyone who wants to work in China MUST hold a "Z" employment visa which can only be processed if original (not scanned) official supporting documents are attached to applications lodged outside of China. People entering on China on a tourist "L" and eventually able to get the original documentation for a "Z" visa MUST exit China as a tourist, apply for the visa and re-enter as a worker. "F" visas are only for those engaged business and are NOT able to be used for working, even for short term contracts as Owen claims. There are no specially licenced organisations who are allowed to employ a special category of persons (ie foreign teachers of English on short term contracts).

DO your own research and DON'T believe 'convincing' but un authoritive statements from his staff or friends just because you want it to be true. Don't believe the attacks made on those who have the courage to speak out and try to save others from a lot of grief.

No-one should be so keen/desperate to work in China that they would risk their personal liberty for the sake of money - you'll get precious little of that working for Owen and risk detention and deportation to boot!

I have forwarded damning correspondence to Chinese and Australian authorities and encourage anyone else who has had bad experiences to do the same. I hope that an investigation will close this trap door forever and save more gullible/ill informed teachers the grief and worry I have experienced.

For doing this I have guaranteed that I will not receive the penalty fee he promised when he last emailed and angrily insisted that his workers are not doing so illegally...but given alll the above, I wasn't expecting it anyway.

Remember CONMEN are only successful IF they are CONVINCING and Owen apparently is...until pushed.


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
Date: Sunday, 2 August 2009, 12:53 am
In Response To: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Buckland Group Victim)

while this guy probably is a scam artist or a liar, or just generally dumb, one thing you should be made aware of
getting an F visa to work as a teacher IS against the rules but it IS common practice, thats one of the things you'll learn about china very quickly, this is a country where everything is structured and ordered, and nobody cares.

the F visa gets you into, and out of, the country and will get you paid, youll run into SOME trouble about it IF you get into trouble with the police (but only if youre in serious trouble)

so dont close off on a school JUST because they want to get you an F visa...


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
By:Does It Matter
Date: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 11:13 pm
In Response To: Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Jon)

I think the BUCKLAND GROUP VICTIM should have done a bit of research or had a reality lesson PRIOR to writing the rubbish he wrote about Owen Buckland. I've worked for Owen for nearly five years now and the information in THIS thread is correct regarding the visas and NO, Owen is not a liar nor is he dumb.
Thank you for clearing up the Visa info.


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
Date: Sunday, 27 September 2009, 9:22 am
In Response To: Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Does It Matter)

Perhaps you should do your homework before writing all the rubbish in favour of Buckland.
People working for a place like that do not seem the brightest bulbs on the globe anyway, especially when they critisize victims as you did.
The reason why you did is that you are one of Owen's lackeys - a DOS running of his crappy places!
I doubt that you have any morals or principles at all, man!


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
By:someone who works for buckland and likes it
Date: Sunday, 1 July 2012, 2:33 am
In Response To: Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Turnoi)

So, if someone works for Buckland and hasn't had any problems, they automatically have no morals? I don't follow your logic.
I've only been working here for half a year but my husband and I have had a great time getting paid on an F visa. I was scared at first thanks to crap like this, but I decided it wasn't worth it to take advice from someone who had never actually tried working for Buckland.


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
Date: Sunday, 22 July 2012, 11:43 pm
In Response To: Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (someone who works for buckland and likes it)

Exactly..My partner and I are currently working for Bucklands and i take any comments made by Turnoi with less than a grain of salt, she comments on every forum about every school and agency without any actual experience regarding them, she or he just jumps on the band wagon and joins the complainers ..Search the forums and you'll know exactly what i mean..


Buckland and F visas
Date: Sunday, 27 September 2009, 9:14 am
In Response To: Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Jon)

Working on an F visa in China is clearly illegal.
And if this Buckland crap outfit is unable to get a foreign teacher the required Z visa, then this does not only indicate that Buckland is crap and doing things against the law in China - it also clearly indicates that Buckland has no license to hire foreign teachers and that it is not recognised to do so. If so, this tells a lot about Buckland and why a decent foreign teacher should not work there!

Buckland is crap! Stay away from that outfit!


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
By:does it matter
Date: Thursday, 10 September 2009, 11:08 pm
In Response To: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Buckland Group Victim)

Mate, I've been teaching all over China for nearly 5 years and have worked for Owen most of those years,,,,,this page would have to be the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read. How hard is it to enter a country on a tourist visa and then have your visa upgraded once you get there.
It's quite obvious that you didn't have the guts to leave home buddy and were simply looking for a good excuse not to.
You're the scam mate, not Owen and I certainly hope no one actually believes the lies you wrote.
Grow up pal, get a life and stop trying to ruin others!


Re: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group:
Date: Sunday, 11 October 2009, 3:19 am
In Response To: Teaching ESL in China with Buckland Group: (Buckland Group Victim)

I had a friend who worked for a company in Shanghai. They told him to get a tourist visa in his home country and then come to Shanghai. They also told him, if the authorities at the embassy in his country were to ask why he was going to China, the answer was to visit.
He was told this was standard practice. Even a few of the western workers told him this was standard practice. There are even posts on this board saying that it is okay to work on a tourist visa. It is absolutely not.

You should get a letter of introduction, get your visa in your home country, and then come here. Maybe you can get away with doing it the way that was suggested, but my friend didn't get away with it.

After a week, the police came by his house and asked him what he was doing in Shanghai. When he said he was working, they took him to the station, threatened to deport him, and then slapped him with a heavy fine, and had him sign a warning letter that it would not happen again.

Of course, the company told him not to worry about it, just go to work the next day. He just about had a stroke. He had been threatened by the authorities, and his employer was saying ignore them.

He demanded a letter from the company in English and Chinese stating that they were advising him to work with his visa the way it was (the working visa takes up to 45 days to process). They said they would, and never called back. He sent them a message stating that he would not be teaching until he got that letter. They fired him. Nice. He said he wasn't alone. There was another teacher that was deported due to Visa issues, and his employer did nothing to help.

Do not trust your employer if you are advised to do something against Chinese law, in China. I understand what happened to you, and I'm not really posting this reply for you specifically. But there are so many out there like yourself and myself, when we first start traveling, we have no idea what we're getting into.

Now we know, let's help others!



Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle
By:Mister J.Â
Date:Â Wednesday, 9 November 2005, 3:24 am

It's 11pm in Yangshuo and Mister Buckland tries to focus on the telephone by his side. It's time to make a few calls. In another city, in a cold apartment, one of his 'placements' looks down at the floor at a large mouse eating a doughnut. As he observes the rodent, his cellphone goes.Â
"HEEEYYYY!" the tinny sound of Buckland comes down the line, the fake-American accent primed for bluff and lies. "How are YOU these days?"Â
"Oh, you know", our man responds. "OK. Actually I......."Â
"GREAT!" Buckland pours himself another stiff one. He enjoys these little chats. "I'm putting together a magazine called 'I Love Owen' and I was wondering if you could contribute something, man." (Here he spills his drink and curses audibly). "It's basically a forum for people who love me. It's heartfelt, man, not marketing or anything. So you'll email me something? GREAT!"Â
"Actually, Owen, I........"Â
"GREAT! Goodnight, man!

At 11pm, Owen Buckland's day is only starting. You and I are going to bed, but this man is calling nationwide. The sole managing operator of The Buckland Foreign-Teacher Apprehension Facility cum Cultural Affairs Office for West Street is just getting into his stride. An empire never sleeps and nor does Owen. When night falls, there's nothing more this man enjoys than a highball glass and a chat with his many 'friends'. Owen has friends all over China, many of whom he's never met and most of these people can't quite believe the speed with which their lives were ruined. The man in the apartment who thought he was going to Shanghai, regards the mouse for a long moment and wonders what twist of fate brought him from London to ShenDung in the heart of Henan Province. It's minus eighty outside. Better wear two quilts tonight and make some bone-soup on the 'range'. The local shop doesn't sell meat - just bones - but as Owen reminded him when they last spoke, "BONES ARE NUTRITIOUS, MAN! THIS IS REAL CHINA!" Owen sees a silver lining in every cloud, so long as the cloud isÂ
hanging over you and not him.

So, if you've had a chat with Owen recently (particularly one late at night where you didn't understand much of what was being said) why not tell us about it? Have you been threatened by Owen after he'd had a few? Come on! We want to hear your stories! There's a ticket back to Vancouver for the most interesting one.


By:David from WalesÂ
Date:Â Friday, 11 November 2005, 8:23 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle (Mister J.)


Don't know about the late night drunken calls, but I did speak to this guy a few years back. He sounded like he'd learned English from watching American movies. He tries to act like a foreigner but he comes off as just ridiculous.Â


Strange days.
Date:Â Saturday, 12 November 2005, 10:50 am
In Response To: Bucky (David from Wales)


Like Daved from Wales says, don't know about the calls at night, but I have heard that this guy is a major-league problem. I've heard that his 'school' (scam?) places foreign teachers in pretty lousy jobs and then he wants nothing to do with any bad situation he creates. He operates out of Guangxi province in Yangshuo and has a 'cover' of some school there, but he's just an employment agency. Funny the Chinese govt have not caught up with this guy since he breaks the law of China every day. I guess they will stop him soon.Â


Response to Andy
By:Terence Burt
Date:Â Monday, 14 November 2005, 9:15 am
In Response To: Strange days. (Andy)

Did a bit of homework and discovered that Buckland's con works like this.Â
1. Has a small school in Yangshuo/Guilin?.Â
2. Then invites teachers to join his 'school' and then sells these teachers on to any school in China who will pay him. He calls it a "teacher exchange program". Illegal in China, I am sure. What's surprising is that it is so blatantly illegal.

Ha anyone actually ever met him? I'd be interested to hear.Â


Response to Terence Burt
Date:Â Monday, 14 November 2005, 6:09 pm
In Response To: Response to Andy (Terence Burt)

Imagine yourself that such teachers are even called " flying teachers " !Â
Recently, I have read this posting: " We are looking for flying teachers to teach at different schools in our city ".


Flying Teachers (Diana)
By:Terence BurtÂ
Date:Â Monday, 14 November 2005, 8:03 pm
In Response To: Response to Terence Burt (Diana)

I think that in Buckland's case, most of the "flying teachers" are flying back to their own countries.Â


Flying Teachers
Date:Â Thursday, 17 November 2005, 1:57 am
In Response To:Â Flying Teachers (Diana)Â (Terence Burt)

Yes. Odd advert. Posted by English First. This suggests that they are having problems recruiting staff. Just an idea guys. You get and retain staff by paying them a decent wage, giving them decent accommodation and abiding by contracts! Not rocket science !! Anyway, I wrote off to EF saying I was intrigued by their ad. A guy responds (Frank from Manchester) saying that only those currently in work with EF (or who have worked there before) can become Flying Teachers. Nothing to that effect was at all mentioned in their ad!! Rank amateurs in my humble opinion.Â


Flying Teachers
By:Helen BeauchampÂ
Date:Â Friday, 18 November 2005, 10:10 am
In Response To: Flying Teachers (Inmate)

My understanding of this ridiculous term is that teachers who work for EF are basically sent all over the place and farmed out to other schools like slaves. The net-result is that you spend you day in taxis or scooters going from kindergarten to kindergarten to humor brats. The term 'Flying Teachers', with its romantic, Julie Andrews connotations is, I think, meant to somehow cast slavery in a romantic light.

Anyway, no-one will work for EF anymore - no one sane, anyway. The teaching community worldwide knows they are a bunch of scoundrels.Â


Date:Â Sunday, 20 November 2005, 5:30 am
In Response To: Flying Teachers (Helen Beauchamp)

Flying teachers are teachers based in Shanghai who are sent out to EF schools who urgently need teachers to cover some classes for a 'short' period of time. They shouldn't be working at kindergartens though, only in EF until they can find another full time teacher.

> Anyway, no-one will work for EF anymore - no one sane, anyway. The teaching community worldwide knows they are a bunch of scoundrels.

I haven't worked for EF for six months now, but I have worked for two of them in the past, and I still know people who work at some. I know there are a couple of bad ones, but the ones I worked for were organized and decent. They paid on time, had a well (well, reasonably well) arranged schedule and most teachers didn't even teach maximum teaching hours. My last place did about 15hours teaching a week, with may 5 hours 'preparation' work.

Unless this has all changed in six months don't make sweeping comments about something you obviously don't know about.

And no, I am no EF lackey, though I am sure you will not believe me anyway if you are one of those that regulary post derogatory remarks about EFs in China. I left EF because I found a job in a nicer city that pays more, but from my experiences I would happily work there again.


yeah, yeah....yeah...
By:Helen BeauchampÂ
Date:Â Sunday, 20 November 2005, 10:58 pm
In Response To: Ef (Simon)

It doesn't surprise me that this deadbeat organization requires a squadron of reserves to fill positions that fall vacant with the regularity of bowel movements. The very fact that such a thing is necessary would surely go some way to defining EF as a company. I know of no other school or franchise (and there are some large ones out there) who require "flying teachers". This is possibly because their teachers aren't quitting at a rate of one a week.

As for "not knowing what I am talking about", I have qualified friends who came into direct contact with this bunch and had nothing good to say about them. I agree that "there are some good ones and bad ones" - probably - but from what I have heard first-hand, read on the web and understand generally, they are shysters who will hire anyone, degree or no degree, experienced or not, take the money and run.

Finally, if you are not an EF lackey, (and you sound like one - in fact you sound like a current DOS or employee) why are you defending them? You left too, didn't you?



Date:Â Monday, 21 November 2005, 7:13 am
In Response To: yeah, yeah....yeah... (Helen Beauchamp)

This is why I don't usually don't bother replying to these threads. You have obviously made your mind up and nothing will change it.

Perhaps the EF schools are so busy they can't get teachers fast enough?

As for the degree thing. All EFs (that I know about) provide valid permits and expert books, which you need a degree for.

I am defending the ones I know of because they were good schools, nothing else and I am a little tired of reading how bad *every* EF is. The people I worked with deserve a better rap than that.

I left because I found another position elsewhere, though I did say I would consider a position with them again. I take it you have remained at one school your entire time in China? If not then why did you move? Obviously you couldn't stand the school you were at. That is what you are saying.Â
I am not an EF lackey, and I wasn't a DOS either.

Anyway, enough. I will not post again as I have said what I wanted to say, and I don't feel like banging my head against the wall arguing the toss with you.


By:Helen Beauchamp
Date:Â Wednesday, 23 November 2005, 9:16 am
In Response To: Whatever (Simon)

In a 'mood', are we? And the "whatever" too. I'm guessing that someone who uses a phrase like "arguing the toss" is a Brit and not a yank, so quit trying to sound like Paris Hilton dismissing a waiter with an excuse and the wrong dish.

The many criticisms you see on the internet concerning EF are well-founded, I imagine. I doubt that (hundreds of) happy and contented teachers waste their time trashing a school for trashing sake. I suspect EF deserves it. I don't doubt that there are well-meaning, well-adjusted and talented people working for this joint and that certain individual franchises are well run. What finally emerges though, is the familiar picture of a 'corporation' with a 'Fleecum & Run' ideology for which this place has cast its own mould.

I'm glad you found one of the better ones and had a good time.

A few points for your information: One, the EF 'flying squad' exists solely to shore up the limitless chasm left by the prematurely dear departed at some of the less morally sound EF's. A friend of mine knows a DOS. Most Dos's (or dossers) will tell you the same after their obligatory post-10pm drinking binge.

Secondly, I have indeed worked at the same college throughout my stay in China and will work here for another year before going home.

As I wrote this posting, three hundred babies were born in India and four people quit EF.

Can you actually be serious when you say EF are strict on the subject of employing graduates? I know of one franchise whose foreign staffing arrangements included an Australian jailbird who could hardly write his name. Wake up.

See you in LA, Scunthorpe boy.



cat fight.
By:Simon 2Â
Date:Â Wednesday, 22 February 2006, 3:37 am
In Response To: Ooooh! (Helen Beauchamp)

.....It's amazing what a forum thread can do for the maturity levels of qualified teachers huh? Any venom left for me Helen? I'm a DoS (altho' not EF)and am waiting patiently for my Saturday drinking binge.....Â


Re: cat fight.
By:Andrew GradyÂ
Date:Â Friday, 22 September 2006, 1:44 am
In Response To: cat fight. (Simon 2)

Hey, it's a well known fact that people who feel they have been wronged are much more likely to blab about it then those who have been happy or satisfied. Ask a friend who works in customer service how many times they've called to hear how great the product or service was.

Owen is a nice guy. I had signed a contract with him under the understanding that I would work in Nanning. When the school decided to drop the oral english class, Owen gave me the option of going to another city or releasing me from my contract. A nice resolution for both of us.

The reason Owen survives is because he does a better job than nost schools. He provides a valid service, to teacher's looking for a job and schools in need of a teacher. My experience is that many teachers who come to China have unrealistic expectations and then Owen becomes the whipping boy for whatever they feel went wrong.


Buckland Group
By:R Feria
Date:Â Wednesday, 4 July 2007, 11:22 pm
In Response To: Re: cat fight. (Andrew Grady)

I'm considering applying for a teaching position with Buckland Group, and the gossip had me a bit disconcerted, but all of my dealings with them so far have been pleasant. I have been interested in teaching English in Asia (China or South Korea) for some time, but due to a bureaucratic transcript screwup, I can't get the necessary documentation to apply for a E-2 Korean visa. Buckland group seems to be pretty accepting, offers very nice accomodations (considering it's China), and I'm not sure what people's terrible experiences with Buckland Group were. Even if it was terrible, I could just leave and it wouldn't matter (since most here seem to claim he has no credibility). But I've been through enough bad experiences in life that I don't even think I would notice, to be honest. :D For those who didn't like teaching with Buckland, what did you think of the kids you taught? Were they worth it?



Re: Buckland Group
By:Does It Matter
Date:Â Thursday, 10 September 2009, 11:53 pm
In Response To: Buckland Group (R Feria)

I've been teaching for Bucklands for nearly five years now and I have not had a single bad experience with them and the bad experiences I have heard of are simply created by people who were either too young, too small minded or should have gone to Japan to teach. China is China and for those who want Japan, GO TO JAPAN, it really is that easy. I've been reading all the 'other' responses by people who have never met Owen and most have probably never been to China. The idiot who wrote that 'Owen with a bottle' rubbish must have been taking something prior to signing with Bucklands as anyone who does at least thirty seconds research would find out that BUCKLANDS DON'T RECRUIT TEACHERS FOR PLACES LIKE SHANGHAI!

Most of Bucklands schools are in small cities and rural country areas and believe me the students are awsome as are the schools and their staff. I've now taught in four schools for Owen and all in different provinces and small rural towns. The areas I choose to go are very poor but even the poor areas of China HAVE MEAT ON THEIR BONES and loads of fresh veg and fruit. Even when I taught in Gansu there was loads of veg, meat and fruit so maybe the writer of 'Owen with a Bottle' was too scared to leave his apartment or his own bottle to actually mingle with the locals and find out.

Anyone who is thinking of coming to China to teach, honestly, Bucklands are an awesome group to sign with and they are NOT a scam. In fact I would love to watch most of the people who think Bucklands are a scam do their own paper work to obtain their working visas here in China. In China it is always good to work for someone who knows somebody. This is not the west people and it works very differently here.

So if you do sign with Bucklands you won't be going to Shanghai ok, any idiot would understand that after reading about them but you will hve your own apartment with everything you need but once won't be Shanghai. if you want to teach in a city like Shanghai, look for a school in that city or simply stay at home in your clean and tidy house as rural China is just as it sounds....its rural China and I've been here for many years and have no thoughts on really is wonderful and the people are beautiful. So for those who judged Owen by small replies written in response to 'Owen with a Bottle' maybe next time think prior to writing about someone you don't know anything about and have never met. And for those who also judge Owen by is American English, there are many students here in China who sound just the same. WHY? Because they hve had many American foreign teachers OR their parents purchased 'teach yourself English' tapes that had an American reading them.

It really isn't hard to ask yourself questions prior to writing things people.Â
Show some respect to your self and those you don't know.

One more thing, after reading the page on 'Owen With a Bottle' I kind of had the feeling that the writer was the one holding the bottle!


Re: Buckland Group
Date:Â Sunday, 27 September 2009, 9:03 am
In Response To: Re: Buckland Group (Does It Matter)

I do not think it is a privilege to teach for Buckland, and may be you are taking pride in doing so because you did not have the opportunity to find a better place.


Re: Buckland Group
By:Ex-TC teacherÂ
Date:Â Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 3:41 am
In Response To: Re: Buckland Group (Turnoi)

Owen is still a profiteer and a cheat, regardless of whether or not you are satisfied with his services.



Re: Buckland Group
Date:Â Saturday, 31 October 2009, 11:17 am
In Response To: Re: Buckland Group (Ex-TC teacher)

That is why I call him and his rather doubtful business "Bucks in the Land"!


Met Owen Buckland
By:Li DaÂ
Date:Â Friday, 17 February 2006, 9:53 pm
In Response To: Response to Andy (Terence Burt)

Yes I have met Owen Buckland from the Buckland Group.Â
He is a very hard working man trying to match up teachers and schools so that Chinese kids have a chance to hear and learn better English. I have been one of those teachers and have been posted to 2 schools. Two schools was my choice.Â
I have had a super time in China over the past year and it is due to Owen and his competent staff.Â
I highly recommend them.Â
I have not been paid to say this.Â
Li DaÂ


Old News
By:Terence BurtÂ
Date:Â Sunday, 13 November 2005, 8:33 am
In Response To: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle (Mister J.)

After reading the opening thread, I ran a Yahoo check on "Owen Buckland", who I understand is a Chinese guy who owns an employment agency that 'places' foreign teachers.

From what I found online, I would say this thread is pretty superfluous, since he seems to have made himself infamous a long time ago. My only question is how this guy can still be in business. I mean, really? Who in their right mind would use him?Â


Re: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle
Date:Â Thursday, 16 August 2007, 11:32 pm
In Response To: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle (Mister J.)

Who is "Mister J"?

May I suggest: A phantom? An impostor? An imaginatively-gifted story maker?

Without ever delving into the tangible world of reality, "Mister J" without a contact address presents us with a cloak-and-dagger story that inevitably guides the more gullible among the reading few to some of the most damning conclusions...

Let's debunk mysteries and unfounded suspicions and grasp facts as we know them and can present before the world:

Owen AO is a most successful training centre owner. He has been in business since the early 1990s. He has since separated several of his revenue-generating lines of business: First, he sold his erstwhile West St.-based training centre to a bunch of Nanning partners. They soon squabbled among themselves and the school operations suffered under that; last year they closed for good.Â
But Owen went into recruiting of FTs, and he has stayed in that line of business ever since. He hires and puts FTs to work in schools that sign a franchise agreement with him. This way, he can ensure satisfaction for all: Schools get FTs vetted by him; FTs are happy for jobs he has for them, and schools get dedicated foreign educators. The latter's material and ideal working conditions are met at a reasonably high level - better than average.Â
Owen has 3 brothers who each runs a business of their own; they too specialise in the spread of English, each in a different line - adult classes, school kids and summer camps, etc.

Owen treats his FTs most cordially and generously; he makes money and that is his right. I see nothing untoward in any of his actions, and if you want to cast aspersions you better come up with anecdotes underpinned by hard facts and, perhaps, statistics.Â
Meanwhile, I have never worked for Owen though he treated me to lunch recently and has received me several times in his premises. On those occasions I met foreigners who were working or had worked for him; by way of stats, I would like to demonstrate that upwards of 95 people out of a hundred were extremely happy or upbeat as one-time employees of Owen, and of the remaining few I would say no allegation of serious misdemeanour by Owen could be elicited. They had their own share in their dissatisfaction - maybe unsuited for work abroad, too young, unable to cope with life in a rural setting, etc.

I submit "Mister J" is a dubious poster. A poster of dubious character? Maybe a competitor suffering from sour grapes?


Re: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle
Date:Â Tuesday, 30 June 2009, 6:30 am
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle (lingujisticus)

That is a typical diatribe from a grovelling weasel and corporate lackey like yourself. You have never had any credibility on this board. Your friend Owen is nothing but a scumbag, a liar, and a cheat, that grub should have gone to prison long ago. You are guilty by association, a defender of crap schools and recruiters. Buckland is crap and scum, just like TDM Wuhan, Tianshou, Frank Zhang , Kevin Hensley and the rest of the grubs at Suzhou Foreign LanguageÂ

Stop posting your poisonous rubbish here, I don't know how "teachers" like you can live with themselves!


Re: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle
Date:Â Tuesday, 27 October 2009, 11:04 pm
In Response To: Re: Owen Buckland - Alone With A Bottle (Silverboy)

Does "Alone With A Bottle" mean that the OP is a "lonesome" poster (or cowboy) with a bottle of Whiskey in his hand?...LOL

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Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE -- Beelzebub -- 2013-07-06
Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE -- San Migs -- 2013-07-07
Re: BUCKLAND INSTITUTE -- Beelzebub -- 2013-07-07
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