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yu2fa3 - 2015-02-06
In response to EF Baotou (Happy Worker)

Overall I don't really have man bad things to say about the city, I have enjoyed my time here and I'm looking forward to continuing my time in the city...if I could wish for one thing it would be for a better level of English ability around the city...but then again that has also helped me to improve my Chinese ability in the time I have been here!

So refreshing, a good positive attitude. You realised the city had a shortcoming(insufficient English spoken) but you got galvanised and turned that into an advantage for yourself. Well done.

Messages In This Thread
EF Baotou -- Happy Worker -- 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou -- looking 4 esl -- 2015-02-09
Re EF Baotou -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou -- Happy Worker -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Public Sector Oral Teacher -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Jamesnchina -- 2015-02-08
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- San Migs -- 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Arian -- 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou -- James Milken -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Gina Hancock -- 2015-02-09
Re EF Baotou -- Ted -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Robert -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Public Sector Oral Teacher -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Qingshan -- 2015-02-05
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