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thetruthisoutthere - 2016-06-28

What can I say?

If you are looking for a company that respects it's teachers, provides a half decent salary, motivates teachers and uses high end teaching materials.................... then stay away!!!!

12 months ago this was a cracking online job. Now, well....

a) they evaluate teachers every 6 months, 9 times out of 10 they will lower your hourly rate (they 'score' you on BS things like marketing -for an online company??!!!- but do not take into account student feedback)

b) hours, out of a possible 122 hours you will be lucky to get 25

c) tech issues - no matter what the problem, the issues are always the teachers fault. A class cancelled due to technical issues usually results in 0 pay

d) 0 students show up to class - you get paid 20% of your hourly rate, even though you showed up and waited

e) Materials; grammar and spelling errors frequently!

f) Salary - they rarely pay on time AND will take tax off you, even though you probably don't live in Vietnam

g) it's not uncommon for them to incorrectly count how many classes you taught (for salary purposes), then of course, it's up to you to prove that you taught the class......

h) quite often they will not communicate with teachers about issues, or even communicate with other departments withing Topica!!!

i) if you are sick and have to cancel classes you need to 'prove' you are sick, otherwise you will get fined.

j) they will make you sign a contract that isn't worth the paper it's written on. They will change it on a whim and only follow it if it works in their favor.

k) if you wish to contact a member of staff please do not expect a reply any time soon

l) you are forced to do training BUT you will not get paid for it

If you are looking to earn well below the living wage and are too lazy to do a decent job, then this is the company for you. Otherwise, steer clear!

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