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J - 2016-09-21
In response to VipKids in China (Shelly)

I agree. Don't believe any of the hype you see on other sites. I'm pretty sure all these great reviews are written by their employees at the main office.

While they imply you will be making a certain amount during the interview, that is not guaranteed as two of those dollars are based on getting to class on time (if any IT problems come up, you don't get that dollar) and teaching over 45 classes a month. If you teach 30 classes a month, you will get .50 cents for each class. If you work any less you will not be paid. You will also only be paid for your training after the 6 month contract, which is pretty ridiculous. None of this is told to you in the interview.

You are required to have a bright orange shirt to wear while you teach, so if you don't have an orange shirt, or you simply can't afford to buy one yet, then you will be endlessly hounded for this. There are multiple videos from VIPKID of teachers online not wearing orange, so I'm not so sure about this policy or why they're ok with posting videos of teachers not wearing their "uniform." You will also be told to buy many things for your classroom to make it look like an "educational tv show."

Interacting with employees is also pretty stressful as they are either short with you or very critical of your performance, from day one. They do not give positive feedback, only negative.

Note that $12 will come out of your paycheck every month because the money is being transferred from a foreign account. They do not tell this to you in the interview.

Many classes get cancelled without your knowledge and you are only paid half for these classes. If you are teaching Trial Classes, which are classes with students who are considering entering into the program, over half of them will be canceled. If you have only taught 15 minutes of the class and the student has an IT problem, depending on the type of class you're teaching, you will also only be paid half.

You will be considered an independent contractor with this company, so you will have to remember to save a portion of your paycheck every month so when tax season comes around, you're not caught off guard. Also note that you are self-employed, and you will be taxed at a higher rate.

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