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Deborah - 2016-11-19
In response to Re VipKids in China (J)

So much of your posting is not correct.
There is a contract for each teacher and it has a pay rate. The .50 or $1.00 is a bonus per class for the teachers that teach more than a certain number of classes each month.
The orange shirt is required, but it is a t-shirt and sold at craft stores for $2.50 or goodwill for even less.
A lot of information is shared in the interview; and much more in the contract they give you upon hire for review.
The inbound transfer fee for your paycheck will vary by Your Bank. VIPKID can not control what your bank charges. Some banks charge $0 some charge up to $12 I believe it is.
The company is not American or Canadian; there are cultural differences, but that is to be expected.
When a class is cancelled it is clearly posted in your schedule or on the ap - just sign on and see. You are paid 1/2 for the cancelled class.
Just wanted to chime in with some details .. I am a VIPKID teacher and have enjoyed the experience very much. I like the schedule flexibility and learning about a new culture. The students are wonderful.

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