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Jeff - 2018-03-29
In response to Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell (I also knew a friend ( actually many friends))

I dont get the point why people here are just telling lies about the school. There are foreign teachers who have renewed and stayed for morethan 5 years already. The workloads given to the foreign teachers are quite few and even much below the usual teaching hours. Some have only 6-8hrs teaching loads a week. The teachers get very competitive salaries, they are off the school after 3pm and not given any night supervison activities, foreign teachers are also being paid for their extra hours spent on saturdays if required to teach. So whats the point of telling these bad things which is just too far from reality???, and why are you doing this?, have you been or worked at Changshu International School? I pitty you man for your sour grapes. Get out of China and go back to your country. You are a shame to join in the workplace promoting positive attitude. You are such a jerk!

Messages In This Thread
Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Holly Adams -- 2017-04-24
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Ankit -- 2018-11-11
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Greg C -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- InChina -- 2018-11-09
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- GuGi -- 2017-06-21
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Enjoying Life -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- I know better - in this case -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jake -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- I also knew a friend ( actually many friends) -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff's fan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff's fan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- A Concerned Father -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Paul Grofton -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Donald B -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Lord Of The Fuerdai -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Peed Off with Changshu NOT International School -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Allan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Grade 4 -- 2017-05-31
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Bernard -- 2017-05-27
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Funny bone -- 2017-06-05
Changshu International School the Brooklyn Bridge of Chinese schools -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-27
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- mad former staff -- 2017-05-11
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- -- 2017-05-07
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Niko -- 2017-05-07
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) -- GuGi -- 2017-06-21
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- expat hubby -- 2017-04-25
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