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Jeff's fan - 2018-03-29

No, no, you don't understand, I have no regrets (it was a learning curve), I am just pissed off, Jeff. Pissed off at Changshu International School and myself for believing their b-sh@t and not walking the moment they started their lies.. I am glad that YOU only had 12 classes a week, so roughly 2 or 3 classes a day? Sounds really good when you say that way. :D I had about 5-6 classes a day :( and then the extra work they wanted, because the class I they gave me was so weak (when I got them). The truth is that I am a family man too, I actually had first hand experience too and I had a very bad experience, unlike you. Maybe it was because I didn't know whose a@* to lick properly. I left because the job was distressing to me and my family. I think you didn't have your family in China? I am glad you have them to go back to. Good luck and I wish you well. Bu that doesn't change my main point, you are an exception. This school is pure and unadulterated garbage, take it from me. Maybe you just had a thicker skin than most. The rest of the complaints from EVERYONE are valid. Don't encourage others to come here!! Let it die a slow death and its stinking reputation reach everyone in good time. Time will tell and truth will out. Peace out!!

Messages In This Thread
Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Holly Adams -- 2017-04-24
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Ankit -- 2018-11-11
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Greg C -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- InChina -- 2018-11-09
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- GuGi -- 2017-06-21
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Enjoying Life -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- I know better - in this case -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jake -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- I also knew a friend ( actually many friends) -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff's fan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Jeff's fan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- A Concerned Father -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Paul Grofton -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Donald B -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Lord Of The Fuerdai -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Peed Off with Changshu NOT International School -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Allan -- 2018-03-29
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Grade 4 -- 2017-05-31
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Bernard -- 2017-05-27
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Funny bone -- 2017-06-05
Changshu International School the Brooklyn Bridge of Chinese schools -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-27
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- mad former staff -- 2017-05-11
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- -- 2017-05-07
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- Niko -- 2017-05-07
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) -- GuGi -- 2017-06-21
Re Welcome to Changshu International School (Changshu city, Suzhou) The armpit of Hell -- expat hubby -- 2017-04-25
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