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Denis - 2009-04-23
In response to To work for Africans in China is rewarding (Jose lee)

Dear Josee,
Although in this very competitive country- China, people do everything it takes to break through in business, I am very strongly against malpractices like bribery, dishonesty, etc.

1. It is wrong to think that an English teacher MUST be a native English speaker.
(Being a native speaker of a language doesn't qualify one enough to teach that language)

2. It is even worse to think that an English teacher must be a white man from some shortlisted countries. (Teaching a language has nothing to do with the colour of one's skin)

3. It is wrong to think that people whose first language is not English can't teach English.
(Some of the best ESL teachers, trainers and ESL course book writers are not native English speakers)

Unfortunately, this is the mentality, less educated, ignorant and sometimes purely prejudiced persons have and pass on to the younger generation. We are not simply English teachers. We are educators and models. It is our duty to correct this way of thinking instead of encouraging it by getting involved in bribery and lies about people's origins and identities. By doing so, educators that we are, help in promoting social evils like racism, discrimination and prejudice. We ought to prove the society wrong.

My story: (A little long, read if you have the patience).

When I arrived in China many years back I was shocked at the prejudiced ads online with phrases like 'whites only' 'No Africans please' 'you must be American, British, bla bla bla.' With 5years ESL teaching experience I felt for the first time like a fish out of water. I called my mom and told her I wanted to go back home because I felt like an unwanted person. My mom felt so bad that she talked to my dad about it. My dad on the contrary was not that worried. I remember his words so clearly: "Son, if you meet darkness, do not run away, light a candle." He said and hung up on me.

I was still in Guangzhou, my one month L visa was running out. The guy I was temporary putting up with was putting pressure on me to leave or pay rents. In this desparate situation I fell in to the trap. I got duped by a visa agent who promised both a job and an F visa. That's how I found myself in my first teaching position in China - a small village school in Xi'an.

At first things looked promising. I was sharing a two bedroom apartment with a fellow teacher Tony from the Philippines. The students loved me. Soon the enrollment doubled. Then came the bomb. The boss asked us to lie to the students as well as their parents. Tony was asked to say he was from New Zealand and I had to say I was from New York. In fact the boss had already lied to the students and the parents. He was just telling us to be sure his lie would work. As the enrollment rose students started asking us to tell them about our respective countries. Tony knew nothing about New Zealand neither did I about America let alone New York. I managed on for a few months and quit after six months without telling the students the truth for the sake of the school and my friend. Tony accepted it and stayed on. The boss was red when he received my resignation letter. He promised me hell in China. He said I was never going to get a job in China with the mentality I had. Tony also warned me because I told him I was heading to Beijing. As he saw me off at the bus station to Xi'an city he said I could get a job in the smaller cities but asked me to put Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen off my list.

While in Xi'an I called my parents again and told them about the situation. My mom was really ok with me going back home for my return flight ticket was still valid. But my dad pushed me on. In my mind I really wanted to go back home but I thought, it would be better to give it the worst shot before leaving. One of the reasons was also the curiousity of seeing Beijing. I boarded the train to Beijing. The city of Beijing fascinated me. The hustling and bustling, the nightlife and everything else. I spent everyday in the internet cafe next to the small place where I was staying responding to ads online. I got calls everyday from schools but who all hung up on me after the first question "Where are you from?" It grew more and more frustrating so in anger I rewrote my CV. (My first CV had the nationality line omitted deliberately as advised by friends in Guangzhou). This time I included the following lines after the introductory paragraph in bold: "I am not from America, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, I am from Cameroon - Africa. I am a trained ESL teacher, give me a chance in the classroom and watch what I can do." Four days passed, no calls from any school. I was sure that was it. I was ready to leave. In fact what kept me was the plan to visit the Tian na men square I had heard so much about. I really wanted to take some pictures for my brothers.

Then one morning I got a call from a Canadian, Chris Cotter. He was in charge of recruitments at the Aihua Foreign Language Academy. My CV had struck him. The demo lesson was nothing to me. In 40minutes I got the kids chanting English song. They hired me. At the end of the summer camp they asked me to sign full time. I turned down the offer because my resume with the bold lines was still circulating and calls were still coming in. I got a few calls but turned them down. They were all part time hours. Gary Young Allen, the native English teachers supervisor stumbled on my CV on some of the numerous websites I had registered in. He called me, interviewed me and that was it. I got the job at the Korean International School. I was the first black and African to be hired by the school.
I received boos from students the first day i was presented officially. So because of doubt still, they hired me as a part time teacher. After the first semester they got me to sign full time. The students quickly became fond of me. Today as I write this post 5 Africans teach in that school, 2 Zimbabweans, 1 Kenyan, 1Nigerian and a guy from Equatorial Guinea.

I left the Korean International School in quest of the next prejudiced city - Shanghai where I work now. I teach business English to graduates. I have started and online coaching program called My Everyday English - MyEE which is growing and expanding with a fascinating ESL learners and teachers community. My best friends in China are my students. The most prejudiced persons in China are the recruiters. They polute the society and especially the young generation with this way of thinking.

So dear Chinese friends, prejudice is a social evil. Think of all the chinese investments in Africa, all the Chinese living in African countries (7000 in my country - Cameroon), think of all the diplomatic ties that have been made with numerous conferences with friendship slogans and then think about the way we are regarded here; the cold stares, remarks, mockery laughs, etc.

In China foreigners who are white are referred to as 'wai gou ren' while foreigners who are black are refered to as 'hei ren.' It hurts to be reminded all the time of one's skin colour and that one is a foreigner here.
*Imagine if people started calling chinese people "Yellows" or "Yellow men."
*Imagine you in a foreign country sitting on a seat on the bus or on the train with the two other seats to your left and to your right deserted.
*Imagine you walking in the park just to relax, a little child sees you and says 'hello' happy to meet you and the mother grabs him and carries him away in her arms as if to say "how dare you go near that .... (I don't know what)".
*Imagine you walking on the street and every time you approach people someone is saying "Kan kan Kan yi xia" or elbowing the other to see what kind of person is coming. *Imagine students' parents saying "My daughter's teach is black but he can teach well."
*Imagine all the ads online carrying hurting phrases like: 'we don't do visas for African countries,' 'teachers from Africa - don't apply please' 'I want a boyfriend - no blacks'
I could go on and on naming them and may be you will just say like some friends have said to me before: "This is China, you can not change it, if you are not happy go back to your country." No no no no no and no. I am a teacher and I am an educator.

Educators, it is our challenge to mould the society. Dear black brothers and sisters. Do not run away from the darkness, light a candle.

Denis DNT.
Shanghai, April 2009.

Messages In This Thread
To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- Jose lee -- 2004-06-12
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- Denis -- 2009-04-23
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- PETER NJODZEKA -- 2004-06-21
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- Simple Guy -- 2009-04-24
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- DoS -- 2004-06-13
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2004-07-28
Re: To work for Africans in China is rewarding -- Concerned non-native fella -- 2009-04-24
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