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AvidBoxerRebel - 2017-01-24
In response to Re Be Careful of KISQ in Qingdao ([poster])

An extremely large population of the English teachers in China are really only out there for
their financial gain. They tend to put very little effort in their class preparation if
not none.

This is impossible. It cannot be true. On average an English teacher might make 8000-12,000 yuan a month. It can be far less than that but if someone hustles working 6 and 7 days a week (night classes, moonlighting, private tutoring jobs) they max out around 16,000. Keep in mind someone might make 20,000 in Shanghai because of many opportunities but then are paying Shanghai prices.

10,000 Yuan. now you see many many schools are quietly removing things like airfare bonuses or company paid insurance or travel expenses etc. Now remember to remove at least 1000 from that from skimming, scamming, fleecing, gaming, tricking and cheating the foreign English teacher. Things like insisting they were late for classes or insisting a holiday turned their wages into 'part-time wages' and all sorts of little scams.

now I'm going to say the airplane tickets to China, medical exams, passport paperwork, visas etc etc 12,000

In other words, instantly remove 1000 a month needed to pay TO work there. now we are at around 8000 yuan.

Now keep in mind many foreign teachers might have to pay 3 and I've even heard 4 months rent up-front. Foreigners can't get things like monthly payments on scooters or cars or other things Chinese citizens can work out. They may need to buy things like WIFI boxes and pay for a full year of internet to get started (1,000) and then more money for all sorts of visa issues, resident tasks.

By the time you sort that out you really just have enough to cover basic living, a few treats now and then (like expensive Western food that will be ruined by cooks who don't know what a pizza is meant to be) or perhaps a little trip somewhere. The foreigner is probably still having to attend things back home. Perhaps taxes, car payments at home. So those RMB translate into next-to-nothing in dollars/pounds etc.

So it is absolutely impossible a large population of the English teacher in China are there for financial gain. If they foolishly went there for that false dream they sure stop a month or two later!!

Indeed, the very opposite is true in many cases. Foreign English teachers find themselves 'financially stranded' as they actually spend their own money to get started, quickly realize they aren't making nearly what they'd hoped, get ripped-off of course, lose more than they make, are surprised to find China is becoming more expensive and soon they literally cannot afford to go back home! Even ones who've 'gained' money soon realize that after exchanging their big RMB savings they might have just barely enough to what.. pay security deposit and one month's rent on an apartment and what..a few weeks groceries? So they try to 'earn their way out' of China which is kind of like a 1-step forward 2-steps back game.

So no, what you've said is impossible.

They tend to put very little effort in their class preparation if
not none.

They shouldn't put any preparation into it. The Training centers and schools should provide all the classroom preparation. Otherwise, Foreign English teachers are usually far superior to Chinese counterparts (who believe teaching is actually filling out 'preparation documents') but foreigners don't need that. They can actually do the class spontaneously, in real time, as it happens. They don't do telephone conversation preparation either. They don't do 'KTV preparation' or prepare a 'talking plan' when they see you and talk to you at the water cooler.

But they shouldn't have to do any classroom preparation or planning outside of 'looking at the class content' and then 'doing it'.

Just being white and a native speaker
isnt enough.

Contrary to popular opinion - that is enough. and its rare. You will almost never find this mythical English teacher. Almost all foreign English teachers will have much more. First, those who don't won't be in China in the first place. Then the next ones will be instantly eliminated and just quit days or a week later. Then, those who stay are ones who will actually try and learn, improve, take on the challenge and they will soon improve and find all sorts of techniques, methods and learn by doing. Because they are foreigners they will actually become better and better and even start to innovate and invent things robots can't do.

Teachers in Asia and asian educational institutes need to revise their
methods for no other reason than for the needs of the kids.

Yes and the first thing they should do is stop impeding the foreign English teachers, stop bothering them, stop trying to interfere, stop trying to 'train them' which leads to problems. This is how the kids lose - its the Chinese teachers and managers constantly doing everything possible to screw up the foreign teachers, assign them to stupid schedules, antagonize them and these things. most Foreign English teachers would IMPROVE their kids abilities if all the Chinese employees left the building from the time they arrive. Just give the foreign teacher keys to open the doors and a sign saying "Chinese Staff STAY OUT" and the kids progress will skyrocket!

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